Sunday, January 17, 2010

B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O...

...and Bingo was the name of the game on Friday night. Our meetup group headed out to a fundraiser for the Green Foundation at the Empire Room in downtown Greensboro. Colorful daubers, fabulous drag queens and cheap candy--what more could you ask for? We played ten games, each worth more money than the last, but sadly no one in our group won anything. No luck with the raffle tickets either. But we still had a great time. The drag queens were there to entertain, and I'm seriously in awe of the work they put into their costumes and make-up. Thanks to Sharon and Christina, you can see some of the photos at my Facebook page:

Couldn't really sleep in on Saturday as I had to go in to the Twin City Stage shop for paint call. The set designer arrived this past Thursday, bringing with him homemade cookies and an offer to track down pieces of set dressing that we hadn't found yet. Shiny. So he worked on the bleachers, Caitlin and Misha worked on the "Putnam County Spelling Bee" banner, Yvonne and Tasha and Terrell worked on wall tiles, and I continued painting blocks of styrofoam "wood" that will be karate-chopped in half every night by one of the actresses. Things are coming together slowly but surely. Next Sunday is the first tech rehearsal, and I'm looking forward to actually hearing the songs.

I felt oddly energized afterward so I headed over to Silas Creek Crossing for lunch at Quizno's, my monthly visit to Ssalefish Comics (who just celebrated their 4th birthday--woohoo!), and browsing around A.C. Moore for yet more art to go on my walls. There was a group of Star Wars cosplayers selling raffle tickets outside the comic shop, and a woman had brought her daughter there as a present for getting first chair trombone. The girl was absolutely giddy at being able to hold a lightsaber and pose for a photo with the various versions of Jango and Boba Fett. It was very sweet and inspiring. There's hope for this new generation yet.

Then I went downtown for a matinee of "An Education" at the new Aperture Cinema. It's small and minimalist but very cool. Really enjoyed the movie, too. Granted it was a long time ago, but I remember being the sort of girl who was obsessed with "Jane Eyre," studied like crazy for college and yet wasn't averse to being swept off her feet by an older man who took her to parties and restaurants and Paris. Hope Carey Mulligan wins the Golden Globe tonight. Way to go, Sally Sparrow!

After that, I just came home and caught up on housework. Today's been pretty low-key as well. Met Mom and Dad at church, went home for lunch and dinner, and now I'm back at the condo awaiting the premiere of "24."

Tomorrow is frozen hot chocolate day at Kernel Kustard. A great way to start off the week, don't you think?

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